Well, the babies came a little too early last November…16 weeks too early to be exact. Claire and Mary entered the world at their own will...tough cookies just like their mom! Mary fought the good fight for two strenuous weeks before leaving us all to go to a better place and serve as an angel watching over her sister. After an uphill battle and 103 days in a wonderful NICU Claire, at one point weighing only 15 ounces, celebrated her first birthday two weeks ago. She has amazed us all with her inspirational spirit from day one. As I am sure you have gathered, Claire is a miracle in many ways…a miracle who can melt your heart with one quick smile. She has brought joy to so many, undoubtedly none more so than to her parents who have served as role-models over the past year in the department of rising to the occasion.

“One day at a time” was and continues to be their mantra, even partnering with the March of Dimes to have bracelets printed with the sentiment to be given to other parents braving the uncertainty of a premature child. November is Prematurity Awareness Month® and when the March of Dimes focuses the nation’s attention on premature birth. You can learn more about their efforts here.
Or you can just rejoice in the fact that Claire happily celebrated her first birthday party with her biggest cheerleaders last weekend…complete with preppy birthday cookies. :)

And the only gift her mom said she wanted from me...a party hat.

Of course I was more than happy to oblige. (Tutorial coming soon!)
Thank you for allowing me to tell your story and share your photos Mart. You are such a hero in my eyes...even if you don't own a hot glue gun. ;)