Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Retirement Betty!

This morning I am writing a blog post about a very special lady. A lady who would beg me not to do this if she knew about it in advance as she is one of the most humble, unassuming people I know. She deserves this post though and I don't think I have ever done anything to upset her in the ten years I've know her until now, so I am going with it! Betty was the first person I met when I walked into the first day of my first "real job" after college. She greeted me warmly that morning and has every time I've seen her since. Working with our company for nearly thirty years, she knows the answer to everything...including who is dating who and when your license plates will expire (thanks again for that tip Betty!) She is a go-to lady for many people, including her family who she is going to be spending much more time with after tomorrow when she retires.

Although I have not worked in Betty's office for many years, I still look forward to her answering the phone when I call or her greeting when I drop by. We will all miss her more than she knows.

Thank you for everything Betty! Wishing you a very happy retirement...and a future of reunion lunches. :)

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