Friday, May 27, 2011

A Little Bit (Punk) Rock 'n Roll

I am a person who is not always a big fan of change, however even I like to shake things up once in a while! So we are pushing the pink and green aside on this Friday and going a *little* bit edgier. ;)

I am thankful to have a great group of friends and particularly love how those friends have different hobbies and interests. So when my friend asked me if I could make anniversary cookies for her boyfriend themed around punk music, I was really excited to give it a shot! She sent me a couple websites of bands they liked as inspiration and I had a lot of fun doing the rest.

I loved how they turned out and am hoping that the happy couple did too.

Thank you Casey!


  1. these are AMAZING! My favorite so far.

  2. these were awesome! i loved all the designs and you truly have talent for making them detailed, interesting & delicious. The Milo one is so cool! (the spikey-haired guy w/glasses) and of course i gobbled up those cake balls :)

  3. I want someone to make me Descendants cookies!!
